

Aspiratiesystemen ofwel rookaanzuigsystemen ofwel air-sampling systemen zijn volwaardige branddetectie systemen en de oorsprong van dit fenomeen voert terug naar begin jaren tachtig toen fabrikant Xtralis® als eerste op de markt kwam met de VESDA®.

VESDA by Xtralis

VESDA® aspiratie systemen kunnen worden toegepast op plaatsen waar zogenaamde puntmelders (rookmelders, thermische melders) niet goed functioneren als gevolg van bijvoorbeeld luchtverplaatsingen in datacenters. Ook binnen ernstig vervuilde ruimtes of in vochtige omstandigheden bieden aspiratie systemen vaak de juiste oplossing. Denk hierbij aan datacenters, koel & vrieshuizen maar ook aan plaatsen waar veel stof in de lucht zit zoals plaatsen waar dieren aanwezig zijn (maneges, stallen) en afvalverwerkende industrieën.

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  • Afvalverwerkings­bedrijven
  • Compostverwerking
  • Zware industrie
  • Telecom en computerruimte’s
  • Koel- en vrieshuizen
  • Zwembaden
  • Maneges
  • Opslagloodsen
  • Gevangeniscellen
  • Metaalverwerkings­bedrijven
Technical data VESDA E
Pipes and area coverage
Pipe Length (linear)400m (1.312ft)100m (328ft)280m (919ft)40x100m (40x328ft)
Pipe Length (Branched)800m (2.624ft)130m (427ft)560m (1.837ft)NA
Area Coverage6.500 m² (69.965 sq ft)1.000 m² (10.760 sq ft)2.000 m² (21.520 sq ft)2.00 m² (21.520 sq ft) 40 – 120 sample holes
No. Of pipe Inlets41440 expandable 120 tubes
Multiple Pipe AdressabilityNoNoUp to 120
Min Fire 1 Threshold0.001%obs/m (0.0003%obs/ft)0.01%obs/m (0.0031%obs/ft)1.6%obs/m (0.5% obs/ft)
Detection Range0.001 – 20.0%obs/m (0.0003 – 6.25%obs/ft)0.005-20%obs/m (0.0016-6.25%obs/ft)0.020 – 16%obs/m (0.006 – 4.88%obs/ft)
EN54-20 (class A / B / C)
Max. no of Holes80/80/10030/40/4540/80/10040-120 (B and C)
Sensitivity (%obs/m)≥ 1.5/3/10≥ 1.5/3/8≥ 1.63/4/8
Transport time (seconds)70/90/11060/90/110Pending
Hazardous Area Approval (FM Class 1. DIV 2. Groups A. B. C. D)PendingNoPendingN/A
IP RatingIP40IP40IP40
Two Stage FiltrationYesYesYes
Total Number of Alarm Thresholds4 (Day/Night)
Relay Outputs777 (Expandable to 127)
On-board Memory (Max. Events)20.00020.00020.000
AutoLearn™ (Smoke/Flow)AutoLearn Smoke™ AutoLearn Flow™No
Bar Graph / Indicator LEDLEDs or 3.5” Colour Touch ScreenLEDsLEDs or 3.5” Colour Touch ScreenLEDs or 3.5” Colour Touch Screen
Programming Tools -On-Board Programming module – Handheld Programmer – PC Software (VSC/VSM)Programmed via USB/ Ethernet/ WiFi connection to PC using VSC/VSM4
Pipes and area coverage
Pipe Length (Linear)200m (658ft)200m (656ft)80m (262ft)80m (262ft)25/50m (82/164ft)
Pipe Length (Branched)400m (1.312ft)400m (1.312ft)100m (328ft)100m (328ft)30/60m (98/197ft)
Area Coverage2.00 m² (21.520 sq ft)2.000 m² (21.520 sq ft) across 4 sectors800 m² (8.610 sq ft)250/500 m² (2.690/5.380 sq ft)
No. Of pipe inlets411
Multiple Pipe AddressabilityNoUp to 4NoNoNo
Min Fire 1 Threshold0.015% obs/m (0.0046% obs/ft)0.025 – 20%obs/m (0.008% obs/ft)
Detection Range0.005 – 20% obs/m (0.0016 – 6.25% obs/ft)0.025 – 20%obs/m (0.008 – 6.25%/ft)
EN54-20 (Class A / B / C)
Max. no of Holes30/60/10040/40/6030/36/40VLF 250 12/12/12 VLF 500 30/30/30
Sensitivity (% obs/m)≥1.5/4.5/.10≥3.9/11/50≥ 1.5/4.5/10≥ 1.5/4.5/10
Transport time (seconds)60/90/12075/90/9080/90/120VLF 250 60/60/60 VLF 500 90/90/90
Hazardous Area Approval (FM Class 1. Div 2. Groups A. B. C. D)YesNoYesYesYes
IP RatingIP30IP30IP30IP30IP30
Two Stage FiltrationYesYesYesYesYes
Total Number of Alarm Thresholds4 (Day/Night)16 (Day/Night)334 (Day/Night)
Relay Outputs77 or 12333 (Expandable to 6)
On-Board Memory (Max. Events)18.00018.00012.00012.00018.000
AutoLearn™ (Smoke/Flow)Yes (Smoke)Yes (Smoke)Yes (Smoke)Yes (Smoke)AutoLearn Smoke™ AutoLearn Flow™
Bar Graph / Indicator LEDLocal or Remote (20 segment bargraph display)Local or Remote (20 segment bargraph display)Local (5 on-board LEDs). Remote (20 segment bargraph display)Local (5 on-board LEDs)Local (7 on-board LEDs 10 Segment Circular Diaplay) Remote display when fitted with VESDAnet card
Programming Tools – On-board Programming module – Handheld Programmer – PC Software (VSC. VSM)YesYesYesProgrammed via RS232 direct connection to PC using VSCProgrammed via RS232 direct connection to PC using VSC or Programmer when VN card fitted
Pipes and area coverage
Pipe Length (Linear)380m (1.181ft)80m (262ft)
Pipe Length (Branched)445m (1.460 ft)100m (328 ft)
Area Coverage2.000 m² (21.520 sq ft)800 m² (8.610 sq ft)
No. Of pipe inlets41
Multi Pipe AdressabilityNoNo
Min Fire Threshold0.15%/m (0.046%/ft)0.015%/obs/m (0.0046%obs/ft)
Detection Range0.005 – 20.0%obs/m (0.0016 – 6.25%obs/ft)0.005 – 20%obs/m (0.0016 – 6.25%obs/ft)
EN54-20 (Class A / B / C)
Max. no of Holes24/28/6030/36/40
Sensitivity (%obs/m)≥1.5/4.5/10≥1.5/4.5/10
Transport time (seconds)60/90/12060/90/120
Hazardous Area Approval (FM Class 1. Div 2. Grooups A. B. C. D)YesYes
IP RatingIP 66IP54
Two Stage filtrationPatented Intelligent Filter Secondary Foam Filter SubSampling ProbeYes
Total Number of Alarm Thresholds4 (Day/Night)3
Relay Outputs53
On-board Memory (Max. Events)1800012000
AutoLearn™ (Smoke/Flow)AutoLearn. Smoke™. AutoLearn. Flow™Yes (Smoke)
Bar Graph / Indicator LEDLocal (5 on-board LEDs) Remote display for VLI-885As per VLC (VN) and VLC (RO)
Programming Tools – On-board Programming module – Handheld Programmer – PC Software (VSC. VSM)Local USB configuration port Connection to PC using VSC/VSM4 Programmer for VLI-885As per VLC (VN) and VLC (RO)
Art. nr. fabrikant
ASD Systemen
EVEA-040-A10VEA-040-A10VEA-040-A10, Multy channel Aspiratie detector incl. 3,5" Display
EVEA-040-A00VEA-040-A00VEA-040-A00, Multy channel Aspiratie detector incl. status Led’s
EVER-A40-40-STXVER-A40-40-STXVEA 40 Relaiskaart incl. behuizing
EVEP-A00-1PVEP-A00-1PVEP-A00-1P, Aspiratie detector Incl. status led’s, 1 buis, zwart
EVEP-A00-PVEP-A00-PVEP-A00-P, Aspiratie detector Incl. status led’s, 4 buizen, zwart
EVEP-A10-PVEP-A10-PVEP-A10-P, Aspiratie detector Incl. 3,5" Display, 4 buizen, zwart
EVES-A00-PVES-A00-PVES-A00-P, Scanner Aspiratie detector Incl. status led’s, 4 buizen, zwart
EVES-A10-PVES-A10-PVES-A10-P, Scanner Aspiratie detector Incl. 3,5" Display, 4 buizen, zwart
EVEU-A00VEU-A00VEU-A00, Aspiratie detector Incl. status led’s, 4 buizen, zilver
EVEU-A10VEU-A10VEU-A10, Aspiratie detector Incl. 3,5" Display, 4 buizen, zilver 
EVLF-250VLF-250-03VLF-250, Vesda laser Focus 250m2
EVLF-500VLF-500-03VLF-500, Vesda Laser Focus 500m2
EVLI-880VLI-880VLI-880, Industriële IP66 detector
EVLI-885VLI-885VLI-885, Industriële IP66 detector, incl. VESDAnet
EFLX-010FLX-010FAAST FLEX 1-Buis  Aspiratie detector. Incl Sensor
EFLX-020FLX-020FAAST FLEX 2-Buis  Aspiratie detector. Incl Sensoren
VEA  toebehoren
EVFT-E2001PE-0604-100M-NVEA 6mm tube 100m
EVFT-E2010PE-04025-0100M-NVEA 4mm tube 100m
EVFT-E2002PM200604EVEA 6mm naar 4mm tube connector (Per10)
EVFT-E2004PM0406EVEA 6mm naar 6mm tube connector (Per10)
EVFT-E2005PM0204EVEA 4mm naar 4mm tube connector (Per10)
EVSP-980-BVSP-980-BVEA 6mm Standard Sampling Point Black
EVSP-980-WVSP-980-WVEA 6mm Standard Sampling Point White
EVSP-980-B22VSP-980-B22VEA 6mm Standard Sampling Point Black (Per22)
EVSP-980-W22VSP-980-W22VEA 6mm Standard Sampling Point White (Per22)
EVSP-981-BVSP-981-BVEA 4mm Standard Sampling Point Black
EVSP-981-WVSP-981-WVEA 4mm Standard Sampling Point White
EVSP-981-B22VSP-981-B22VEA 4mm Standard Sampling Point Black (Per22)
EVSP-981-W22VEA 4mm Standard Sampling Point White (Per22)
EVSP-982-BVSP-982-BVEA 6mm Surface Mount Sampling Point Black
EVSP-982-WVSP-982-WVEA 6mm Surface Mount Sampling Point White
EVSP-982-B22VSP-982-B22VEA 6mm Surface Mount Sampling Point Black (Per22)
EVSP-982-W22VSP-982-W22VEA 6mm Surface Mount Sampling Point White (Per22)
EVSP-983-BVSP-983-BVEA 4mm Surface Mount Sampling Point Black
EVSP-983-WVSP-983-WVEA 4mm Surface Mount Sampling Point White
EVSP-983-B22VSP-983-B22VEA 4mm Surface Mount Sampling Point Black (Per22)
EVSP-983-W22VSP-983-W22VEA 4mm Surface Mount Sampling Point White (Per22)
EVSP-850GVSP-850-GIn-line filter grijs (voor extra vervuilde omstandigehden)
EVSP-850RVSP-850-RIn-line filter rood (voor extra vervuilde omstandigehden)
EVSP-855-20VSP-855-20VSP-855 In-line Filterelementen (20 st
EVSP-855-4VSP-855-4VSP-855 In-line Filterelementen (4 stuks)
EVSP-962VSP-962VSP-962 Vesda E Filter Cartridge
EVSP-972VSP-972VSP-972 Vesda VEA Filter
EVFT-FL53-10ISP-001ISP-001 Filter t.b.v. VFT/ IAS , grof, per 10 stuks
EVFT-FL56-10ISP-002ISP-002 Filter t.b.v. VFT/ IAS , Fijn, per 10 stuks
EVSP-030VSP-030VLI Intelligent Filter Spare Part
EVSP-031VSP-031VLI Secundary Filter Spare Part
EVSP-005VSP-005VSP-005 Filter Cartridge, VLP/VLS/VLC en VLF
EVHH-100EVHH-100VHH-100 VESDA hand held programmer
EVHX-0200VHX-0200VHX-0200 High Level Interface, High Level Interface t.b.v. programmering VSM4 en VSC
EVHX-0300EVHX-0300VHX-0300 High Level Interface, open protocol
EVHX-1200EVHX-1200VHX-0200 High Level Interface in metale behuizing
EVIC-010EVIC-010VIC-010 Vesdanet kaart t.b.v. Vesda Laser Focus
EVRT-100EVRT-100VRT-100 Remote Programmer incl. behuizing, geen relais
EVRT-300EVRT-300VRT-300 Remote VESDAnet Socket, incl. behuizing
EVRT-T00VRT-V00VRT-T00 Display voor  Laser INDUSTRIAL met termination kaart, geen relais
EVRT-W00EVRT-W00VRT-W00 Remote Display LaserFOCUS, geen relais
EVSP-000VSP-000VSP-000 Blindplaat met VESDA logo
EVSP-001VSP-001VSP-001 Programmer module
EVSP-002VSP-002VSP-002 LaserPLUS display module
EVSP-003VSP-003VSP-003 VESDAnet socket kit
EVSP-004VSP-004VSP-004 LaserSCANNER display module
EVSP-007VSP-007VSP-007 Remote termination kaart, geen relais
EVSP-008VSP-008VSP-008 Remote termination kaart, 7 relais
EVSP-014VSP-014VSP-014, 7 relais Head termination card
EVSP-015VSP-015VSP-015 Ventilator voor PLUS en SCANNER
EVSP-016VSP-016VSP-016, 12 relais head termination card
EVSP-018VSP-018VSP-018 Filter schakelaar
EVSP-019VSP-019VSP-019 Deksel t.b.v. filter
EVSP-020VSP-020VSP-020 Schroeven t.b.v. behuizing (2 stuks)
EVSP-032VSP-033VSP-032 VLI Aspirator Spare Part
EVSP-033VSP-033VSP-033 Detectorkamer VLI
EVSP-100VSP-100VSP-100 Deksel incl. FOK led’s
EVSP-103VSP-103VSP-103 SCANNER 7 relais processor module
EVSP-208VSP-208VSP-208, 12 relais remote termination kaart
EVSP-501VSP-501VSP-501 Vesda ventilator tbv Lasercompact 500RO
EVSP-502VSP-502VSP-502 LaserCOMPACT VN remote display
EVSP-509VSP-509VSP-509 Programmeerkabel
EVSP-510VSP-510VSP-510 COMPACT RO termination card
EVSP-515VSP-515VSP-515 COMPACT VN termination card
EVSP-715VSP-715VSP-715 VLF Aspirator spare part
EVSP-960VSP-960VESDA-E Montageplaat
EVSP-963VSP-963VESDA-E Ventilator 
EVSP-964VSP-964VESDA-E Detectorkamer
EVSP-964-03VESDA-E Detectorkamer MK3
EVSP-965VSP-965VESDA-E SPL Module 
EVSP-966VSP-966VESDA-E Front cover VEU-A00
EVSP-967VSP-967VESDA-E Front cover LED VEU-A10
EVSP-968VSP-968VESDA-E Front cover LED VEP-A00-P/1P
EVSP-969VESDA-E Front cover 3.5" DISP VEU-A10-P
EVSP-969-SVSP-969-SVESDA-E Front cover 3.5" DISP VES-A10-P
EVSP-970VSP-970VESDA-E Montageplaat VEA-20/40
EVSP-971VSP-971VESDA-E Detector VEA-40
EVSP-974VSP-974VESDA-E Rotatieklep VEA
EVSP-975VSP-975VESDA-E Front cover VEA-040-A00
EVSP-976VSP-976VESDA-E Front cover 3.5" DISP VEA

Xtralis Safety Solutions Products

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Vesda-E VEP

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